Uses of Class

Packages that use Expr
condor.classad Java implementation of Condor "Classified Advertisements".  

Uses of Expr in condor.classad

Subclasses of Expr in condor.classad
 class AttrRef
          A reference to another attribute.
 class CondExpr
          A conditional expression.
 class Constant
          A constant (Integer, Real, etc.).
 class FuncCall
          A function call.
 class ListExpr
          A list of expressions.
 class Op
          A unary or binary expression.
 class RecordExpr
          A "record" expression (also known as a "classad").
 class SelectExpr
          An internal (non-leaf) node of an expression tree, representing a selection of component of a record.
 class SubscriptExpr
          A selection from a list.

Fields in condor.classad declared as Expr
 Expr[] Query.selectClause
          The expressions in the SelectionClause.
 Expr Query.whereClause
          The "where" clause or null if the "where" clause was omitted.
          The condition (first component of the expression).
          The true part (second component of the expression).
 Expr CondExpr.ef
          The false part (third component of the expression).
 Expr Op.arg1
          The first (or only) operand.
 Expr Op.arg2
          The second operand; null if the operator is unary.
 Expr SelectExpr.base
          The left argument (base expression) of the selection operator.
 Expr SubscriptExpr.base
          The left argument (base expression) of the subscript operator.
 Expr SubscriptExpr.selector
          The right argument (subscript) of the selection operator.

Methods in condor.classad that return Expr
protected  Expr CondExpr.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
 Expr ClassAdSAXHandler.getResult()
          Get and remove the result of the most recent parse, if any.
 Expr ClassAdParser.parse(boolean acceptPrefix)
          Parse a classsad Expr from the current input stream.
 Expr ClassAdParser.parse()
          Parse a classsad Expr from the current input stream.
protected  Expr Op.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
static Expr Builtin.isUndefined(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to undefined.
static Expr Builtin.isError(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to an error.
static Expr Builtin.isString(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a string.
static Expr Builtin.isInteger(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to an integer.
static Expr Builtin.isReal(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a real.
static Expr Builtin.isList(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a list.
static Expr Builtin.isClassad(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a record expression.
static Expr Builtin.isBoolean(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a boolean (TRUE or FALSE).
static Expr Builtin.isAbstime(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to an absTime constant.
static Expr Builtin.isReltime(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a relTime constant.
static Expr Builtin.Int(Expr arg)
          Convert to integer.
static Expr Builtin.real(Expr arg)
          Convert to real.
static Expr Builtin.string(Expr s)
          Converts the argument to a string.
static Expr Builtin.floor(Expr arg)
          Returns an integer constant corresponding to the floor of the value of arg.
static Expr Builtin.ceiling(Expr arg)
          Returns an integer constant corresponding to the ceiling of the value of arg.
static Expr Builtin.round(Expr arg)
          Returns an integer constant corresponding to the value of arg rounded to the nearest integer.
static Expr Builtin.random(Expr[] args)
          Returns a random value.
static Expr Builtin.strcat(Expr[] args)
          Converts each argument to a string and returns the concatenation of the values.
static Expr Builtin.substr(Expr[] args)
          Returns a substring of a string.
static Expr Builtin.strcmp(Expr s1, Expr s2)
          Compares two strings.
static Expr Builtin.stricmp(Expr s1, Expr s2)
          Compares two strings ignoring differences in case.
static Expr Builtin.toUpper(Expr expr)
          Converts a string to upper case.
static Expr Builtin.toLower(Expr expr)
          Converts a string to lower case.
static Expr Builtin.size(Expr obj)
          Returns the size of an object.
static Expr Builtin.sum(Expr l)
          Computes the sum of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.avg(Expr l)
          Computes the average of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.min(Expr l)
          Computes the minimum of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.max(Expr l)
          Computes the maximum of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.member(Env env, Expr expr, Expr list)
          Checks whether "list" is a ListExpr containing a member that is equal to "expr" in the sense of "==".
static Expr Builtin.identicalMember(Env env, Expr expr, Expr list)
          Checks whether "list" is a ListExpr containing a member that is equal to "expr" in the sense of "IS".
static Expr Builtin.regExpMember(Env env, Expr expr, Expr list)
          Checks whether "list" is a ListExpr containing a member that matches "expr" in the sense of "regexp".
static Expr Builtin.anycompare(Env env, Expr s, Expr l, Expr t)
          Compares a value to the elements of a list.
static Expr Builtin.allcompare(Expr s, Expr l, Expr t)
          Compares a value to the elements of a list.
static Expr Builtin.regexp(Expr[] args)
          Compares a string with a regular expression.
static Expr Builtin.glob(Expr str, Expr pat)
          Deprecated. Should be replaced by regexp pattern match.
static Expr Builtin.iglob(Expr str, Expr pat)
          Deprecated. Should be replaced by regexp pattern match.
static Expr Builtin.time()
          Get the current time in seconds since the epoch.
static Expr Builtin.interval(Expr secs)
          Convert a number of seconds into a time interval string of the form "days+hh:mm:ss".
static Expr Builtin.absTime(Expr[] args)
          Convert to absolute time.
static Expr Builtin.relTime(Expr arg)
          Convert to relative time.
static Expr Builtin.splitTime(Expr[] args)
          Split a time constant into its components.
static Expr Builtin.formatTime(Expr t, Expr f)
          Formats an AbsTime with strftime-like escapes.
static Expr Builtin.gmtTimeString(Expr secs)
          Deprecated. Replaced by formatTime().
static Expr Builtin.localTimeString(Expr secs)
          Deprecated. Replaced by formatTime().
static Expr FuncCall.getInstance(AttrName func, List params)
          Create a function node from a name and a list of paramters.
protected  Expr FuncCall.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
protected  Expr AttrRef.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
 Expr ListExpr.sub(int i)
          Get a member of this list.
 Expr ListExpr.add(Expr e)
          Appends the specified Expr to the end of this list.
protected  Expr ListExpr.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
static Expr ClassAd.eval(RecordExpr ad, String[] attrs)
          Evaluate a selection from a ClassAd.
static Expr ClassAd.eval(RecordExpr ad, String attr)
          Evaluate a selection from a ClassAd.
static Expr ClassAd.eval(String name, Expr expr, RecordExpr ad)
          Evaluate an expression in the context of a ClassAd.
static Expr ClassAd.eval(String attr, RecordExpr ad1, RecordExpr ad2)
          Evaluate an attribute of a ClassAd in an environment consisting of a pair of ads.
 Expr RecordExpr.lookup(String name)
          Find the attribute with the given name in this RecordExpr.
 Expr RecordExpr.lookup(AttrName name, Env env)
          Find the attribute with the given name in this RecordExpr or one of its ancestors.
 Expr RecordExpr.lookup(AttrName name)
          Find the attribute with the given name.
 Expr RecordExpr.removeAttribute(AttrName attr)
          Delete an attribute.
protected  Expr RecordExpr.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
static Expr base, String[] sel)
          A convenience function for creating a SelectExpression corresponding to "base.a.b.c".
protected  Expr SelectExpr.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
protected  Expr SubscriptExpr.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
 Expr name)
          Search for a given attribute name in the RecordExprs on the stack, from innermost to outermost.
protected  Expr Constant.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluates this Expr.
protected abstract  Expr Expr.eval1(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr.
 Expr Expr.eval(Env env)
          Evaluate this Expr in a given environment.
 Expr Expr.eval()
          Evaluate this Expr in a "top-level" (empty) environment.

Methods in condor.classad with parameters of type Expr
 void ClassAdWriter.println(Expr exp)
          Print a classad expression and then terminate the line.
 void ClassAdWriter.print(Expr exp)
          Print a classad expression.
 boolean CondExpr.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
 boolean Op.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
static Expr Builtin.isUndefined(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to undefined.
static Expr Builtin.isError(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to an error.
static Expr Builtin.isString(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a string.
static Expr Builtin.isInteger(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to an integer.
static Expr Builtin.isReal(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a real.
static Expr Builtin.isList(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a list.
static Expr Builtin.isClassad(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a record expression.
static Expr Builtin.isBoolean(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a boolean (TRUE or FALSE).
static Expr Builtin.isAbstime(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to an absTime constant.
static Expr Builtin.isReltime(Env env, Expr expr)
          Tests whether "expr" evaluates to a relTime constant.
static Expr Builtin.Int(Expr arg)
          Convert to integer.
static Expr Builtin.real(Expr arg)
          Convert to real.
static Expr Builtin.string(Expr s)
          Converts the argument to a string.
static Expr Builtin.floor(Expr arg)
          Returns an integer constant corresponding to the floor of the value of arg.
static Expr Builtin.ceiling(Expr arg)
          Returns an integer constant corresponding to the ceiling of the value of arg.
static Expr Builtin.round(Expr arg)
          Returns an integer constant corresponding to the value of arg rounded to the nearest integer.
static Expr Builtin.random(Expr[] args)
          Returns a random value.
static Expr Builtin.strcat(Expr[] args)
          Converts each argument to a string and returns the concatenation of the values.
static Expr Builtin.substr(Expr[] args)
          Returns a substring of a string.
static Expr Builtin.strcmp(Expr s1, Expr s2)
          Compares two strings.
static Expr Builtin.stricmp(Expr s1, Expr s2)
          Compares two strings ignoring differences in case.
static Expr Builtin.toUpper(Expr expr)
          Converts a string to upper case.
static Expr Builtin.toLower(Expr expr)
          Converts a string to lower case.
static Expr Builtin.size(Expr obj)
          Returns the size of an object.
static Expr Builtin.sum(Expr l)
          Computes the sum of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.avg(Expr l)
          Computes the average of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.min(Expr l)
          Computes the minimum of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.max(Expr l)
          Computes the maximum of a list of numbers.
static Expr Builtin.member(Env env, Expr expr, Expr list)
          Checks whether "list" is a ListExpr containing a member that is equal to "expr" in the sense of "==".
static Expr Builtin.identicalMember(Env env, Expr expr, Expr list)
          Checks whether "list" is a ListExpr containing a member that is equal to "expr" in the sense of "IS".
static Expr Builtin.regExpMember(Env env, Expr expr, Expr list)
          Checks whether "list" is a ListExpr containing a member that matches "expr" in the sense of "regexp".
static Expr Builtin.anycompare(Env env, Expr s, Expr l, Expr t)
          Compares a value to the elements of a list.
static Expr Builtin.allcompare(Expr s, Expr l, Expr t)
          Compares a value to the elements of a list.
static Expr Builtin.regexp(Expr[] args)
          Compares a string with a regular expression.
static Expr Builtin.glob(Expr str, Expr pat)
          Deprecated. Should be replaced by regexp pattern match.
static Expr Builtin.iglob(Expr str, Expr pat)
          Deprecated. Should be replaced by regexp pattern match.
static Expr Builtin.interval(Expr secs)
          Convert a number of seconds into a time interval string of the form "days+hh:mm:ss".
static Expr Builtin.absTime(Expr[] args)
          Convert to absolute time.
static Expr Builtin.relTime(Expr arg)
          Convert to relative time.
static Expr Builtin.splitTime(Expr[] args)
          Split a time constant into its components.
static Expr Builtin.formatTime(Expr t, Expr f)
          Formats an AbsTime with strftime-like escapes.
static Expr Builtin.gmtTimeString(Expr secs)
          Deprecated. Replaced by formatTime().
static Expr Builtin.localTimeString(Expr secs)
          Deprecated. Replaced by formatTime().
 boolean FuncCall.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
 boolean AttrRef.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
 Expr ListExpr.add(Expr e)
          Appends the specified Expr to the end of this list.
 boolean ListExpr.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
static Expr ClassAd.eval(String name, Expr expr, RecordExpr ad)
          Evaluate an expression in the context of a ClassAd.
static int[] ClassAd.match(Expr expr1, Expr expr2)
          Match two ClassAds.
 RecordExpr RecordExpr.insertAttribute(String name, Expr expr)
          Add an attribute (replacing previous value if any).
 RecordExpr RecordExpr.insertAttribute(AttrName key, Expr expr)
          Add an attribute (replacing previous value if any).
 boolean RecordExpr.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
static Expr base, String[] sel)
          A convenience function for creating a SelectExpression corresponding to "base.a.b.c".
 boolean SelectExpr.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
 boolean SubscriptExpr.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
 boolean Constant.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
abstract  boolean Expr.sameAs(Expr other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression to check for "deep structural equality".
 boolean other)
          Compare this Expr to another expression in the sense of the "is" operator.

Constructors in condor.classad with parameters of type Expr
Query(Expr[] s, String[] n, String f, Expr w)
          Construct a query from its components.
CondExpr(Expr ec, Expr et, Expr ef)
          Construct a conditional expression from its three components.
Op(int op, Expr arg1, Expr arg2)
          Construct a node for a binary operator.
Op(int op, Expr arg1)
          Construct a node for a unary operator.
SelectExpr(Expr base, String selector)
          Create a new SelectExpr corresponding to base.selector.
SelectExpr(Expr base, AttrName selector)
          Create a new SelectExpr corresponding to base.selector.
SubscriptExpr(Expr base, Expr selector)
          Create a new SubscriptExpr.