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XML Document Type Definition (DTD)

<!-- Document Type Definition for ClassAds (Classified Advertisements, as used
     in Condor.  See for more information. -->

<!-- Root element: a sequence of ClassAd elements -->
<!ELEMENT classads (i | r | s | e | b | at | rt | un | er | l | c)*>

<!-- A ClassAd (Classified Advertisement):  A set of "attributes". -->
<!ELEMENT c     (a)* >

<!-- An "attribute" contains a named element -->
<!ELEMENT a     (i | r | s | e | b | at | rt | un | er | l | c)>

<!-- Numbers -->
<!ELEMENT i     (#PCDATA)> <!-- An integer (sequence of digits) -->
<!ELEMENT r     (#PCDATA)> <!-- A real number in "scientific" notation -->

<!-- Strings -->
<!ELEMENT s     (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Sub-expressions in native syntax -->
<!ELEMENT e     (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Booleans: no content, but one mandatory attribute v=t or v=f -->
<!ATTLIST b v   (t | f) #REQUIRED >

<!-- Timestamps -->
<!ELEMENT at    (#PCDATA)> <!-- Absoute time, e.g. 2003-01-25T09:00:00-06:00 -->
<!ELEMENT rt    (#PCDATA)> <!-- Relative time, e.g. P1H15M13.257S -->

<!-- Undefined and error -->
<!ELEMENT un    (#PCDATA)> <!-- Undefined; content, if any, is "annotation" -->
<!ELEMENT er    (#PCDATA)> <!-- Error; content, if any, is "annotation" -->

<!-- A List: a sequence of ClassAd elements -->
<!ELEMENT l     (i | r | s | e | b | at | rt | un | er | l | c)*>

Alain Roy 2004-09-30