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Optional Configuration

The following configuration steps are optional and will not be required for all sites. If you do not need any of the following special configurations, skip to the page for verifying your HTCondor-CE.

Configuring for Multiple Network Interfaces

If you have multiple network interfaces with different hostnames, the HTCondor-CE daemons need to know which hostname and interface to use when communicating with each other. Set NETWORK_HOSTNAME and NETWORK_INTERFACE to the hostname and IP address of your public interface, respectively, in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99-local.conf directory with the line:


Replacing text with your public interface’s hostname and with your public interface’s IP address.

Limiting or Disabling Locally Running Jobs

If you want to limit or disable jobs running locally on your CE, you will need to configure HTCondor-CE's local and scheduler universes. Local and scheduler universes allow jobs to be run on the CE itself, mainly for remote troubleshooting. Pilot jobs will not run as local/scheduler universe jobs so leaving them enabled does NOT turn your CE into another worker node.

The two universes are effectively the same (scheduler universe launches a starter process for each job), so we will be configuring them in unison.

  • To change the default limit on the number of locally run jobs (the current default is 20), add the following to /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99-local.conf:

    START_LOCAL_UNIVERSE = TotalLocalJobsRunning + TotalSchedulerJobsRunning < <JOB-LIMIT>

    Where <JOB-LIMIT> is the maximum number of jobs allowed to run locally

  • To only allow a specific user to start locally run jobs, add the following to /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99-local.conf:

    START_LOCAL_UNIVERSE = target.Owner =?= "<USERNAME>"

Change <USERNAME> for the username allowed to run jobs locally

  • To disable locally run jobs, add the following to /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99-local.conf:

Inserting IDTOKENs into the routed job's sandbox

If you want to insert IDTOKENS into the routed job's sandbox you can use the SendIDTokens route command, or the JOB_ROUTER_SEND_ROUTE_IDTOKENS global configuration variable. Tokens sent using this mechanism must be named and declared using the JOB_ROUTER_CREATE_IDTOKEN_NAMES and JOB_ROUTER_CREATE_IDTOKEN_<name> configuration variables. Tokens whose names are declared in the JOB_ROUTER_SEND_ROUTE_IDTOKENS configuration variable are sent by default for each route that does not have a SendIDTokens command.

  • To declare IDTOKENS for inclusion in glide-in jobs for the purpose of advertising to a collector add something like the following to /etc/condor-ce/config.d/99-local-ce-token.conf:

        sub = ""
        kid = "POOL"
        lifetime = 3900
        dir = "/etc/condor-ce/gltokens/name1"
        filename = "ce_name1.idtoken"
        owner = "owner1"
        sub = ""
        kid = "POOL"
        lifetime = 3900
        dir = "/etc/condor-ce/gltokens/name2"
        filename = "ce_name2.idtoken"
        owner = "owner2"
  • To insert one of the above IDTOKENS in the sandbox of a routed job, include the token name in the SendIDTokens route command like this.

    SendIDTokens = "Name2"

    Route commands

    SendIDTokens is a route command, not a job attribute. This means that you will not be able to manipulate it through transform verbs such as EVALSET.

    To add an IDTOKEN to a routed job in addition to the default tokens, build a string containing the token name along with the value of the global configuration variable like this.


You can use an attribute of the source job to choose the IDTOKEN by writing an expression like this.

    SendIDTokens = strcat( My.Owner, " $(JOB_ROUTER_SEND_ROUTE_IDTOKENS)")

It is presumed that the value of My.Owner above is the same as the <name> of an IDTOKEN and as the owner field of that token. For instance, the Fermilab CE config uses the above SendIDTokens expression and the following token declarations at the time of this guide.

    JOB_ROUTER_CREATE_IDTOKEN_fermilab3 @=end
        sub = ""
        kid = "POOL"
        lifetime = 3900
        dir = "/etc/condor-ce/gltokens/fermilab"
        filename = "ce_fermilab3.idtoken"
        owner = "fermilab"
        sub = ""
        kid = "POOL"
        lifetime = 600
        dir = "/etc/condor-ce/gltokens/fermilab"
        filename = "ce_osg.idtoken"
        owner = "osg"

Enabling the Monitoring Web Interface

The HTCondor-CE View is an optional web interface to the status of your CE. To run the HTCondor-CE View, install the appropriate package and set the relevant configuration.

  1. Begin by installing the htcondor-ce-view package:

    root@host # yum install htcondor-ce-view
  2. Restart the condor-ce service

  3. Verify the service by entering your CE's hostname into your web browser

The website is served on port 80 by default. To change this default, edit the value of HTCONDORCE_VIEW_PORT in /etc/condor-ce/config.d/05-ce-view.conf.

Uploading Accounting Records to APEL

Batch System Support

HTCondor-CE only supports generation of APEL accounting records for HTCondor batch systems.

For sites outside of the OSG that need to upload the APEL accounting records, HTCondor-CE supports uploading batch and blah APEL records for HTCondor batch systems. Please refer to EGI's HTCondor-CE Accounting Documentation.

Enabling BDII Integration

Batch System Support

HTCondor-CE only supports reporting BDII information for HTCondor batch systems.

HTCondor-CE supports reporting BDII information for all HTCondor-CE endpoints and batch information for an HTCondor batch system. To make this information available, perform the following instructions on your site BDII host.

  1. Install the HTCondor-CE BDII package:

    root@host # yum install htcondor-ce-bdii
  2. Configure HTCondor (/etc/condor/config.d/) on your site BDII host to point to your central manager:


    Replacing <CENTRAL MANAGER> with the hostname of your HTCondor central manager

  3. Configure BDII static information by modifying /etc/condor/config.d/99-ce-bdii.conf

Additionally, install the HTCondor-CE BDII package on each of your HTCondor-CE hosts:

root@host # yum install htcondor-ce-bdii